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This is the home of the LawStack® iOS mobile app, the best legal reference tool on the App Store.
Using lightning search and a smooth interfaces, professionals have saved thousands of hours in the office and on the move. Tired of heavy books or crummy interfaces?
LawStack's FAR/AIM is a legal reference for aviation professionals.
Interested in multiple licenses for an app? We can do that. In the past, we've worked with federal and state agencies, as well as private sector organizations. Please see our For Teams page for more details.
Tekk Innovations LLC
Lowell, Massachusetts, USA
(781) 691-3529
The information in our software is not intended to replace official versions, is subject to revision, and should not be considered legal advice. Tekk Innovations LLC presents this information without warranties, express or implied, regarding accuracy, timeliness, or completeness. This disclaimer may change at anytime. When necessary, consult primary source material.